I've been waiting to give a special girlfriend of mine the
perfect engagement gift that I pinned on Pinterest a long time ago, and I was finally able to do so!
Yes...that's right, my brother FINALLY asked my bestie, Ashley, to marry him on NYE! He called me the night before, we had a very long in depth conversation about it all, and I was so excited that he was finally going to do it! The next day, NYE day, I headed over to meet Ashley for a quick manicure & a couple drinks before her big night...that she had no idea about. I knew she would need to have fabulous nails to go with that stunning ring she was about to receive. She never even acted suspicious the entire day, just a couple besties getting together on a wim. While I was over there, I snuck over to the bookstore, picked up a couple bridal magazines, and a planner. I knew my plan to put an engagement basket together for her was finally going to happen!
this ampersand is from Hobby Lobby |
a couple of bridal magazines, and a wedding planner notebook |
can't forget the hershey's "kisses", and a small pack of thank you cards |
D & I weren't able to be there for the "popping of the question", because then she would of known something was up that we came last minute. So we waited for the phone call after he asked her in front of a few family members, and her close friends. She was extatic! I hadn't seen her since that day, and a few weekends ago I was finally able to give her the engagement gift basket that I put together for her. She loved it! I was afraid she already had purchased a planner, but she hadn't. They have already set the date for October 2014, and have a lot of things already set in stone. Go Ashley & Brett!! :)
all wrapped up and adorned with a purple hydrangea! |
The great thing about this gift is you can personalize it however you wish to. Add in a monogram of her future last name, wine glass, stamps for the thank you's, gift cards, more candy, etc. But I thought this would be perfect for Ashley!
A quick "engagement" photo of the happy couple! :) |
They both asked me & D to be a part of their big day, we of course we were honored and said yes!
Today's Creative Blog
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