I've had our tree up for a couple of weeks now, but I just haven't gotten around to blogging about it. I finally took some pictures of it during the day, and at night (on my phone) so I could share it with you all.
This year I wanted something a little different. I was over the multi-colored lights that were on my tree that I have had for years. I was over the maroon & gold colors with tons of different ornaments. And I was over the tree skirt I've also had for several years. I wanted something new, but I couldn't justify spending money on another tree, when the one we had would suffice for the time being. I was going to sell it, but decided against it.
What I wanted was a nicer looking faux tree, white lights, burlap ribbon, and pretty silver, gold, brown, and white ornaments. I also am in love with the ruffled tree skirts that sell on etsy for an easy $80, which I couldn't justify purchasing. I didn't mind buying a few ornaments, and some burlap ribbon, but the rest was out of the budget.

So this is what I ended up doing...using the tree we already had, but not plugging the multi-colored lights in. Adding a few strands of white lights that a friend gave me for free before the wedding, wrapping burlap/jute ribbon around it, using new & some old ornaments, and using a cream colored ruffled table skirt Ashley gave me last spring as the tree skirt! So the only thing I ended up having to purchase was some new ornaments (spent maybe $20, most from Hobby Lobby, a few from Target), and 4 rolls of burlap ($1.99 each on sale)!! I think it turned out pretty darn cute, and just the look I was going for (well, for the most part)!
The only thing I am missing is a tree topper, but I haven't found one that I absolutely love. I was going to make a large bow out of the burlap ribbon, but it's not wired and I'm not very good at making them. It doesn't look bad without it, I don't think.
And the improvised tree skirt, which is really a table cloth...I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!
Thank You Ashley if you're reading this!! :) You can't even tell it's not an acutal tree skirt. The table cloth itself only has 1 layer of ruffle, but I folded it in half and lined the ruffles up to make it look a little fuller. I got all of our presents wrapped and put under the tree, so you can barely see it now. Before I loaded it up I took a picture with just a few under it so you could see it!
Do you have all of your Christmas shopping done, and presents wrapped?
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