Monday, September 12, 2011

Misc Monday

I haven't done a random post lately, and I feel like today is a great day to do so!  I'm hoping to do more of these in the future, based on random pictures from my phone.

I love me some Starbucks Skinny Vanilla Latte (Iced or Hot, either one), but there isn't a Starbucks anywhere near us.  There are a couple of other coffee shops about an hour away, but still I can't have it when I need/want it.  A few weeks ago, I discovered Seattle's Best Coffee Iced Vanilla Latte, and the best part is I can get it at my local gas station!  It gets me by when I'm having a craving or need me a pick-me-up (like today)!

Saturday me and bestie {Ashley} met up for lunch, mani/pedi, and did a little shopping.  I got my hair highlighted and cut first, then her and I went to lunch.  We had a noon bevy, which both were amazing {pomegranate marg & blue raspberry marg}, which also helped us relax a little bit for our mani/pedi session.  I normally don't get mani's for 1 specific reason, and I should've stuck by it...they don't last.  I got a french tip mani, and were chipped within a couple hours.  They are even worse today.  I got them done, because our engagement pictures are this coming Saturday...looks like I'll have to paint them myself before then. :( However, my french tip pedi looks fab.  For some reason, pedi's last longer, and I love it!  Do you have any tips to get a mani to last longer?  After that we did some shopping, I got Dustin and pair of jeans and 2 shirts from The Buckle for our engagement pictures...he actually LOVED it {mark that in the books}!  I got some shirts from Maurices {my fav btw}, along with a couple necklaces.  I'm getting really excited for our pictures!

Pomegranate Marg & Blue Raspberry Marg
Already chipped :(


Sunday, D and I went to Andrew & Ashley's house for some grilled burgers, dove, and pheasant.  D and I took over some fresh watermelon straight from our garden, they loved it!  We watched the KC Chiefs game, which it wasn't much of one.  Total bummer...but we did enjoy our company!  Are you excited that football has started?!

Fresh watermelon from our garden

Speaking of garden, I'll be sharing my Grandma's Dill Pickle recipe with you tomorrow!!  I'm about to can more pickles, probably later this excited!!  We have a few Jalapenos, 4-5 small bell peppers coming in, and lots of okra about ready to be picked also.  There are a few little tomatoes, but still tiny and green.  We just picked a bunch of medium sized Zucchini, going to grill some up tonight with Ribeye steaks.  I'm amazed that our garden hung on this long, and now that the weather is cooling down, things are starting to come in.

What's been going on in your life lately...anything fun and random?!


  1. What a perfect girlie afternoon; everything sounded just perfection.

  2. Oh man that coffee drink sounds yummy. I wonder if I have those in my town? I'm following you back and I love your blog too. Any blog that has a macaroni and cheese linky party is my kind of blog!


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