This last weekend we went back to my {small} hometown so D could try 1 more time looking for his "trophy" buck, and so that Ashley and I could finish up our Christmas shopping. Well I have good news and bad news; Good news was I made a
huge dent in our Christmas shopping, but bad news was D still didn't wind up with his buck. He said there were several opportunities to get other bucks, but something would always go wrong. He was pretty bummed out since Sunday was the last day to hunt bucks.
Friday night we loaded up and went out to dinner about 20 miles southeast of town, to a little town called Beaver. I haven't ever been there, so I was pretty excited (
the weekend before we went to a small town called Galatia to eat).
Mo's isn't just a place that makes awesome burgers, but they also have their own little brewery. Since I'm not a fan of "funky" beers (as I call them), D and my dad ordered a sampler so they could try everything. After supper D decided he wanted to get a Growler of the
"Crazy Hawk" Red to take home...that was his favorite. Here are some pictures I took from Mo's...
Sample of all their beers |
LOL! Loved this sign! |
Mo's brewery set-up |
Dad and D's Growler of "Crazy Hawk" Red! |
Saturday morning Ashley and I headed out of town to go Christmas Shopping. I knew I had a lot to buy, because I had barely even started (that's so not like me either!). First stop was Kohls...let me start by saying that I.Love.Kohls. We did the best shopping there. We saved almost $100 more than we spent...their Door Busters were that amazing! Second stop was Target, I had a couple of returns and we goofed off in their for a little bit. It was already 1 o'clock, so it was time to go stuff our faces with Margarita's and yummy food at Carlos O'Kelley's. And yes, the Margarita's were to help us with our anxiety that we had already from the hustle & bustle while shopping!
Our Jumbo Marg's, only $4.99! |
After eating we headed to the Mall, and we were there forever it seemed! It was 5 o'clock already, and it was getting really dark, so we headed to Hobby Lobby. We both have a lot of love for the HL, so we couldn't resist! Next thing you know we're getting swept up by the workers and we thought "can't they do this later on?". So I looked at my phone and it was already past 7 o'clock! We knew we had to get out of there, and quick since it takes about an hour to get back to Ashley's house. But first we stopped at McD's for a little pick-me-up coffee is how the next 10 min went...
Pulling up to the McD's Order screen, with the window up...finally rolling the window down...
Me: <coughing, like hello where are you> Ahem Ahem Ahem
McD Lady: You can order whenever you're ready ma'am
Me: <cracking up, bc we realized she welcomed us already while our window was up...oops!> We'd like 2 medium SF Vanilla Latte's, please.
McD Lady: Okay, you're total comes to Blah Blah Blah...please pull around.
Getting back on to the Interstate to start our way home...
Ashley: <starts cracking up out of nowhere...>
Me: What?
Ashley: <still laughing hysterically...>
Me: <starting to laugh too> Seriously what's so funny?
Ashley: Ahem Ahem Ahem...I can't believe you did that!
Me: What...I had something in my throat?!
Ashley: <starts cracking up again> I call BS on that one!
Me: Whatev...I did too!
Ashley: You're so full of it! You were trying to get her attention and she had already asked us what we wanted!
Me: Ok, so what?! I really did have something in my throat, AND I may have been trying to get her attention. I am so proud of myself though...I killed 1 bird with 2 stones!
Ashley: <laughing so hard by this point> You did what?! You mean you killed 2 birds with 1 stone?!
Me: Yeah, that's what I said!! I'm awesome!
Ashley: Yeah you're so awesome, you killed 1 bird with 2 stones!!!
Alright...maybe you had to be there for that classic "Kayla" moment!! But yeah, we about pee'd our pants!
Sunday we went to see my cousin's new baby girl, she's about 1.5-2 months old. Her name is Chevelle...I love it! She is such a doll, and her big sister Bailee just loves her!
Me, Chevelle, and Bay! |
Stay tuned...I have a
yummy recipe, and some Christmas Decor updates to share!